Spoiler Review of Six of Crows


5/5 stars


THIS BOOK. Holy crap. I need Crooked Kingdom asap! This book was absolutely beautiful. I am so in love with all the characters, I think Leigh really fleshed them out, and while Kaz, Nina, Wylan, Matthias, Inez, and Jesper all have troubling pasts and they’re all “bad” people, I’m in love with all of them. I’m going to break this review up into parts because there is so much to say about this novel. If you guys have not read this book, please go check out my non-spoiler review! If you have read Six of Crows, then come fangirl on with me.



  • The plot of this novel is so captivating. So, in the beginning of this novel, we find out a drug, called jurda parem,is effecting the Grisha’s powers. So, the heist. Van Eck hires Kaz for 30 million kruge to go to the Ice Court, which is said to be the hardest Court to infiltrate, to capture Yul-Bayur who created jurda parem.
  • I thought the way this drug effected the Grisha was so interesting and the political intrigue throughout this story really made me want to read Leigh Bardugo’s other Grisha trilogy. 
  • The heist, itself, was I think just executed so well, Leigh kept me on my toes throughout the story. I loved the way we got little bits and pieces at first, but by the end of the story I was just like “OH NO YOU DIDN’T.” 
  • The backgrounds of each character was one of my favorite parts; I loved seeing how they got to where they were now, especially Kaz. His back story was probably the most fascinating because Kaz built himself up from heartbreak for Jordie and then mixed the lies and truths of what people said about him.



  • Nina- the heartrender; she’s Grisha and a badass
  • Kaz- thief; he is one interesting character, there are so many complex layers to Kaz
  • Inej- spy; know as the Wraith, Kaz’s eyes and ears. obsessed with her knives.
  • Matthias- convict; kinda a jerk, but turns out to be fiercely loyal.
  • Jesper- sharpshooter; huge flirt, loves his guns, gay
  • Wylan- Runaway; Van Eck’s son, gay, loves explosives.

All of these characters are so intriguing and complex, it really builds up the story and makes you feel so connected to them. Leigh Bardugo, you make the most compelling characters. I loved each and everyone of them.



Matthias and Nina- These two melted my heart. I freaking loved their chemistry and the way they were constantly fighting with each other, but also fighting themselves internally about how they felt about each other.

Jesper and Wylan- These two. They’re flirting was so cute, and while their relationship aspect is still just starting, I loved them. I really appreciate when authors have same sex relationships because I, for one, am a huge supporter of the LGBT community, so it really nice to see throughout this story.

Kaz and Inej- I wanted them to be together so bad all throughout this story! Inej literally only did all the stuff she did because it was for Kaz. Kaz really pissed me off at the end when he just ignored Inej. Like are you kidding?! You guys are so in love with each other, just get together already!



This ending is probably in my top 5 favorite endings, like it was amazing.

  1. Kaz didn’t kill Pekka Rollins! Were you expecting that?
  2. They actually pulled off the damn heist
  3. Kaz and the others go to Rollin’s casino to collect Rollin’s debt and Kaz confronts Pekka about whether or not he remembers Kaz. Of course, Pekka didn’t remember Kaz because he’s an awful person

I am anxiously awaiting for Crooked Kingdom to come out to see what happens next. What did you guys think of this book? Did you love it as much as I did?

I’ll see you guys next Thursday with another review! Do you guys have any suggestions on what I should review next? Let me know in the comments.


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3 thoughts on “Spoiler Review of Six of Crows”

  1. OMG this book was so awesome! I agree with you. i WANT THE SECOND BOOK LIKE NOW! I absolutely loved the characters! They were so different and flawed but you can’t help but love them even though they are rebels/thieves. The storyline was amazing and I did not even see that ending coming! 🙂


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